Spring Into Prevention

Spring is around the corner, and it just happens to be my favorite season. 

Why?  Because Spring is quite literally a renewing season. It is all about new beginnings and transformations; it's a season that symbolizes starting fresh and starting over. 

After months of cold temperatures that often result in many of us feeling the winter blues, Spring reawakens us and our surrounding environment, bringing everything back to life.

This holds true with our bodies as well because our bodies can truly thrive during this season.

Spring is the opportune time to start your prevention and self-care routine. This can be anything from detoxing your body, massage therapy, sound bowl healing and so much more.

Thermography is an excellent way to spring into prevention. With inflammation being the precursor to all “dis-ease”, it is crucial to get a handle on where there may be inflammation in the body.

Having a full body thermography scan done takes only thirty minutes and can detect potential issues 8-10 years ahead of traditional medical screenings. This means we have plenty of time to react and give our bodies what they need.

It’s radiation-free, pain free, and contactless with a 97% accuracy rate. It’s also for women, men, nursing moms, and children.

Some other things thermography can aid in detecting are:

  • Breast cancers

  • Inflammation

  • Thyroid pathologies

  • Carotid artery insufficiencies

  • Sinus issues

  • Cerebral vascular issues

  • Toxins in the body

  • Digestive issues 

  • Vascular concerns

And so much more!

Take advantage of this true healing season and start your own path to prevention and renewal. You will be so glad you did!

Love and Prevention,


My Why